Health food supplement

  Reshi Gano (RG)                                                             

Reshi Gano (RG) is a kind of mushroom essence (Ganoderma lucidum) containing polysaccharide, adenosine, triterpeniods, protien and fiber. The Ganoderma lucidum used are harvested from 90-days old red mushroom. Daily Intake of Reshi Gano (RG) assists in the maintenance of general well-being ....
                                                HF 001 & HF 002

                                  Ganocelium (GL)
Ganocelium (GL) contains Ganoderma is different from Reshi Gano (RG) as the Ganoderma lucidium used are harvested from a 18-days old mycelium of Ganoderma
The mycelium is rich in polysaccharides, organic garmanium, vitamins and minerals. it has excellent effect in improving general 
well-being  .................................................

Reishilium powder
Reishilium powder is the combination of the essence of RG and GL powder. RG and GL in powder form, result in quick observation in body it offer's another choice to you which is more convenient for consumption ....

Dxn Mycodiet 
Dxn mycodiet is a special formulation dervied from a balanced mixture of organic mushroom Ganoderma and mycelium which well-known for their dietary values & for ease of consumption for those who require higher doses. When the body is unwell it may be necessary to take largest does of Ganoderma to relieve the symptoms quicker.                    

Andro-G is a traditional herbal food used to reduce body heatiness. it contains 100% pure andrographis paniculta, an important herb used in traditional  chinese medicine for its cooling property .
Andrographis paniculata, has been found to be as effective as silymarin (active compound in milk thistle) in protecting the liver.Highly recommended to those who have fatty liver. All types of Hepatitisand for men who have bloated stomach.

- Anti-inflamatory(reduces swelling)   

- Antipyretic (fights bacterial activity) 

- Antiperiodic (counteracts periodic/intermittent diseases, such as malaria) 

- Antithrombotic (blood clot preventative) 

- Antiviral (inhibits viral activity)

- Cancerolytic (fights, even kills, cancer cells)
- Cardioprotective (protects heart muscles)
- Chloleteric (stimulates production of bile which aides the process of digestion of lipids)
- Depurative (cleans and purifies the system, particularly the blood)
- Digestive (promotes digestion)
- Expectorant (promotes mucus discharge from the respiratory system)
- Hepatoprotective (promotes the liver and the gall bladder)
- Hypoglycemic (blood sugar reducer)
- Immune Enhancement (increases white cell phagoscytosis, inhibits HIV-1 replication, and improves CD4+ and T lymphocyte counts)
- Laxative (aids bowel elimination)
- sedative( a relaxing herb)
- vermicidal (kills intestinal worms) 

Dxn Roselle Tablet 

The exclusive DXN roselle Tablet provides you with lenteous of vitamin C as well as other vitamins like vitamins D,B1 and B2 . you will benefit from wide range of nutrients whilst enjoying its fabulous taste.......


-Rich in Vitamin C which is necessary to keep your immune system strong, promotes healthy gums and beautify your skin complexion.roselle also has vitamin b1 (Thiamine), vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Vitamin B2 (Niacin) important for converting calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates into energy.-Contains many types of amino acids and nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, iron, calcium which are very important to our body.-Helps reduce fever and soothes cold.-High level of antioxidants such as flavanoids which are good for our heart and body.-Used as treatment for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Dxn Spirulina Tablet
Spirulina, a type of blue-green algae rich in protien, beta carotien, chorophyll, anti-oxidants, mineral and other essential nutrients that our body need. Besides, it is well-known as one of the best alkaline food, which helps to change weak acidic body condition to a healthy alkaline one. DXN spirulina is elogical famed using selected species of spirulina. Dxn Spirulina tablet contains natural spirulina which provides you with variety of nutrients to keep you healthy and energetic.

Benefits of spirulina:

1. Stimulates immune system to destroy invading disease organisms and carcinogens.2. Potentiates the immune system with its anti-tumor, anti-viral and interferon inducing effects.3. Helps to sanitize the bowel by detoxifying the colon and promoting the growth of friendly bacteria.4. Promotes tissue repair in wounds and burns and has anti-infectious properties.5. Decreases cholesterol levels and helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.6. Works as an anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce the inflammation characteristic of arthritis.7. Provides superior nutritional support as one of nature's whole foods for anyone who is weakened by disease, alcohol or drug abuse.8. Helps to balance RNA/DNA (nucleic acids)9. Curbs the appetite and helps to stimulate the metabolism.10. Works like an antioxidant in detoxifying the body of pollutants.11 Cleansing: Spirulina promotes the body's natural cleansing processes. You feel fitter, more cheerful, and you have more energy.12. Restoring: Spirulina compensates for deficiencies in the diet and stimulates the metabolism. Your physical condition improves noticeably and you recover faster after exertion.13. Fortifying: Spirulina boosts resistance and activates the body's natural defence mechanisms. You feel stronger and are better able to cope with the pressures of everyday life.It gives more energy to every living creature and is said to be a cure to allergies, visual problems, carbohydrate disorders, anemia and many other disease conditions.Superfood' is an apt term since it has five times more calcium than milk, three times more protein than meat, fish or poultry, 50 times more iron than spinach and has no cholesterol. It also contains natural substances that act as a hunger suppressant.

DXN lion's mane

Lion's mane has been a very nutritious and valuable food in china and japan since hundereds of years ago. it contains almost all types of important amino acids needed by the body and it is also rich nutrients, minerals, polysachariads , adenosin and protien. DXN Lion's mane Table, offers convenience and it can be handled easil when traveling DXN Lion's ManeBenefitsLion´s Mane mushroom helps to support a healthy digestive system. It improves indigestion, relieves stomach and duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis. In addition, Lion's Mane mushroom helps to maintain a healthy nervous system(alzheimer's Disease).

DXN Lion´s Mane tablet offers you a convenient way to strengthen your body system anytime, anywhere.

Dxn Cordyceps tablets
Cordyceps sinensis is one of the most valued chinese medicinal herbs. Like most of the edible fungi, Cordyceps conains abudance of nutrients and active ingredients which inclue cordycepic acid, cordycepin, amino acid, glutamic acid, Polysaccharides, vitamin B12 and many mor.DXN cordyceps Tablets is one of the useful valuable supplemnents that DXN offers to you
Benefits of Cordyceps:

-Cordyceps can relax the bronchia and strengthen the adrenal glands. Long term administration can reinforce the body against foreign attacks, improve the functioning of organs, strengthen the immune system and in turn, help to bring longevity. 
-Cordyceps gives the body increased vitality and energy.
-The effects of Cordyceps on the airways which lessening their resistance to relaxing and opening could also help to explain the traditional use of this medicinal plant in treating various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis. 
-The primary use of Cordyceps in Traditional Chinese Medicine is in the treatment of kidney disorders. 
-Cordyceps appears to be one of the most adaptive immunomodulators. It has been the subject of many studies in immunostimulation and has shown potent effects. The active constituents are water-soluble polysaccharides.
-Cordyceps is effective in revitalize the energy level of male patient.
-Studies have shown that Cordyceps can help treat some liver diseases. In one clinical trial, cirrhosis of the liver following hepatitis was treated with Cordyceps, which was found to improve symptoms and liver-cell structures dramatically. 
-Clinical studies have shown that Cordyceps can reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol and increase the amount of HDL cholesterol in people of all ages. 

DXN Bee pollen

Bee Pollen contains all of the nutrients needed to sustain life. In fact, studies have shown that generations of mice have been born and lived on bee pollen exclusively, with no signs of malnourishment.
-Bee Pollen has high concentrations of the B vitamin complex and also contains Vitamins A, C, D, and E
Its composition is: approximately
-35% protein, 55% carbohydrates,
-2% fatty acids
-3% minerals and vitamins
-Because of its B vitamin complex, bee pollen is often taken for increasing energy and vitality.

Bee Pollen is also used to bolster immune function, and for detoxifying the body. There have also been a number of clinical trials with respect to its promising ability to ward off cancerous tumors in mice.
Athletes often use bee pollen for endurance, strength, stamina, and mental clarity. There have also been some studies that show it may help in alleviating allergies. A number of Olympic athletes and prominent professional boxers have attributed their improved energy and stamina to a regular intake of bee pollen.
Bee pollen has helped manage menstrual pain and irregularities, as shown by a double-blind study of Bogdan Tekavcic, M.D., chief of the Ljubljana Center for Gynecology in Yugoslavia. For two months, half of the women in the study were given a mixture of bee pollen and royal jelly, and the other half a placebo. Almost all the women taking bee products demonstrated vast improvement or total disappearance of menstrual pain. The placebo group showed little or no change.
Experiments reveal that bee pollen is an amazing biological stimulant with healing properties. In his book Sexual Nutrition, Morton Walker described the effects of bee pollen on both animals and humans with a variety of medical disorders. Treatment with bee pollen improved energy levels, relieved constipation and diarrhea and acted as a tranquilizer for hyperactive patients. Other effects were increased blood hemoglobin ( the part of the red blood cell ) and stress reduction at the cellular level.
The benefits of Bee Pollen have been written about for thousands of years in ancient medical texts.
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, believed that bee pollen contributed to long life. Russian researcher Prof. Nicolai Vasilievich Tsitsin, a biologist and experimental botanist at the Longevity Institute, tried to discover why so many natives of Georgia, formerly of the Soviet Union, reportedly lived to upwards of 125 years old.
Most of these modern Methuselahs who live in dry, desert-like climates, are beekeepers, who every day eat raw, unprocessed honey with bee pollen." All of the 200 or more people past 125 years of age in Georgia, without exception, state that their principal food is pollen and honey - mostly pollen," said Prof. Tsitsin. Naum Petrovich Joirich, M.D., chief scientist at the Longevity Academy in Vladivostak, said that "long lives are attained by bee pollen users. Bee pollen is one of the original treasure houses of nutrition and medicine. Each grain contains every important substance necessary to life."

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